Taipei Apartment_H Residence



Permeation. Arts.

The greenness of the balcony brings forth the colorful phases of the artistic screen. The interior and the exterior are independent but fusing. 

The freedom of arts and the picture of organics erase the conflict in the entrance, which facilitates a spacious buffering space. The multi-layered contours are pictured with the symmetrical lines. 


Implantation. Overlap.

Implanting arts and French boutique culture into the medium of arena.

Separation and gathering in different periods make the continuity of the space overlapped, and carry the moving of the vision, which embodies the life aesthetics of space and time, and echoes the future form of symbiosis of colors and ecology.


Clarity. Progressiveness.

The reasonable context among the circulations is reinforced by the symmetrical relation. The line of lights constructs a smooth and digressive circulation, medium pathway, and the interweaving of clear expressions. 



The interior and the exterior are constructed by the concept of culvert structure and continue the forwardness of the linear axis of the space, which makes the scenes of matters, lines, gradations, and colors become lighter successively, The affection referred by arts and symbolization of culture are transformed into the exploration of the interpretation of vision. 


Area. Form

Entrusting the personality of the arena to the symbol of the fall and rise of the border-crossing arts.

Overlap or openness forms a temporary extension of space with lights. Balancing the qualitative form of space and the metaphoric leaping tempos of art installations create an intercept of contemporary aesthetics. 


Culture and Arts. Production

The sharing of culture and arts extends a unique melody and tempo.

The tension of grey floor symbolizes the transit of the attribute of space, which creates a rich and restrained beauty of conflicts. Balance and symmetry conforming to the textures produces harmonious and silent environment.