京璽國際軟裝課程|藝術美學巡禮 帶你從「軟裝」設計 洞見「品牌」謬思


京璽國際總監—周彥如 開課啦📣📣📣 https://www.designwant.com/r6318.html 我們一直在設計領域持續精進, 飛行各地探索最新高端市場潮流、時尚美學與職人匠心。 今年疫情關係,步調放緩,也讓我們回歸初心。 趁著此次軟裝課程的開設,想與大家分享,關於這些年來累積的經驗與知識。 只要對設計、美學、軟裝有興趣的朋友皆可報名參加! 讓設計總監帶你從室內設計觀點 端看傢俱的應用與發展趨勢, 藉由導覽國際頂級傢俱品牌與經典名品,深入淺出分析軟裝運用的重點, 並將實際參訪習得的經驗大方分享,走進藝術領域中, 吸收最全面的設計美學知識!

【立即報名】 https://reurl.cc/8GaMWg
【課程詳情】 https://www.designwant.com/r6318.html
We have been continuously improving ourselves in the design field,
Travel around the world to explore the latest high-end market trends, fashion aesthetics and professional craftsmanship.
The slowdown in the pace because of the epidemic situation this year has also brought us back to our original intention.
Taking advantage of this course, I want to share with you the experience and knowledge accumulated over the years.
Anyone who is interested in design, aesthetics and home decoration can sign up via this link: https://reurl.cc/8GaMWg
Let the design director share the application and development trend of furniture in history from the perspective of interior designer.
By navigating the high-end international furniture brands and classic famous products, the key points of the application of home furnishing are explained in depth.
We also will share the experience gained from actual visits to lead you into the art field,
Join the class and absorb the most comprehensive design aesthetic knowledge!
